Friday 4 February 2011

This little fellow is the son of one of the school workers. What a sweetie.

My driver was there bright and early this morning and saw him right away. School today was spent sorting through curriculum and talking to teachers who wanted ideas on hands on lessons. The Brazil school system does not use hands on activities a great deal. It is more memorize, do the workbooks and copy from the board. This school is using Canadian curriculum so they want to use manipulatives and have lots of hands on experiences for the students. What a lovely group of ladies, all female teachers except the gym teacher. They are already talking of where they will take me. We’ll see what happens.

The cafeteria is so good, every day about 10:00 the smell of garlic and onions frying smells so good. Every day they have beans and rice, no thoughts of potatoes, and meat serves some delicious way. Today the cook gave me the beans and rice plus, chicken and beef. I eat my main meal at noon and something light when I get home from school. Walked to the grocery store to get water and essentials. This is an oil town and prices are almost like at home.