Thursday 10 February 2011

New building going up near my place.

Long day today, for the franchise company rep came to school today, very smart cookie who can size up a situation very quickly. We stayed till about 7:00 so we could be introduced to a group of parents who had arrived for a school meeting. Then we still had to meet at supper to talk about my role. Now I know what track I’m on. I’m of the opinion this is a very good school, the owners are very committed and teachers dedicated.
Sauna was on tonight and I pre heated it before I went in.  I feel well steamed. No one else has ever used the sauna at the same time, I just read, watch the spine of my book melt and drink water.

Late night tonight, had to put together my goals for the time I will be here. As for the clothes, I’ll take pictures this weekend when I go to the mall. I’ll put them on a Picasa album.