Saturday 12 February 2011

Massages in tent in front of my hotel.  Some tops in the store. I'll put more on Picasa.

I’m going in the classrooms more and more. Today I taught seven year olds for about 2 hours. Nice to be back in business and I really knew I was back when I had kids at the mall, in Brazil, coming over to give me a hug. We rearranged my schedule so I will be going in every class once a day and teaching about 20 minutes each.  I’ll have to know 176 children’s and about 30 staff names before I leave. Then twice a week I will meet with teachers to debrief. It’s going to be a full schedule but may as well do the best/most I can. I will have to leave home at 6:40 on Mon and Wed and 7:30 on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
The teachers here work long hours. Some full time teachers, who do the 2 shifts stay from 7:15 to 6:30 in the evening. Others have another teaching job at another school. One person leaves home about 6:30 and doesn’t get home till about 9:30. Another spends 3 hours traveling to and from school.  They don’t get paid like the members of the NSTU although this school pays well in comparison to other schools.
Glad to see the weekend. Took a cab to the mall again this evening to try to get pictures of the clothes…and buy a few more. Took pictures in one store and think I was lucky I wasn’t told to stop, since I was noticed by the security guys. Next one I took the best items in the dressing room and took pictures there. My camera isn’t a tiny discrete one so I can’t take pictures from the palm of my hand. 
Went to the fruit market and bought some interesting looking fruit. I ate one last night and thought it was passion fruit, no it wasn’t, tonight I opened a mystery fruit and after a lot of internet research I realized it was passion fruit. So I will have to see what fruit I had last night.