Tuesday 22 February 2011

Boat at the beach yesterday
The time changed today, it went back……but nobody told me! Got up at 5:30 by the time on my clocks, got ready and went down to wait for my drive to school scheduled for 6:45 my time. My boss picked me up at ten to 8 and I just assumed there was a change in plans and I made a mistake. Arrived at school and I was surprised, no children yet, that was when we realized what happened.
Otherwise a very good day, fun working with the children, today we made a snakes and ladders game out of the 100 square grid and other fun games.
Last night I went out to eat at a buffet type restaurant. Usually you go in select the food you want, weigh it, pay and eat. I went to the buffet table, selected salad items which were the only selections, which was fine with me. No they said no need to weigh it. I sat down to eat and then they started bringing out the food that wasn’t on the buffet! Plate of rice, French fries, bread in a basket, two deep fried vegetables and manioc, most of which I told them to take back. Then the meat parade started, all on skewers from which they sliced off what you wanted. There was sausage, chicken. chicken hearts, beef and more beef or pork and more. I just tasted some slivers of the meat, I can only eat so much!