Friday 25 February 2011

The Grid

Feb 24, 2011
Tomorrow is my last day here then it's on to Sao Paulo, I'm very sorry to leave such a great school. It has a very comfortable atmosphere for students and teachers.  I have felt very welcome and have enjoyed working with such a dedicated staff.  Recently my constant companions are the 100 square grid and accessories.  This is a large floor mat with 100 squares, probably about 6 feet by 6 feet. It is stored in a length of PVC pipe with caps on the end and it has two boxes of accessories to go with it, (hard plastic cards with numbers 1-10, multiple letters of alphabet and shapes printed on them). I’ve been toting this awkward collection almost everywhere I go. Today I did what I didn’t think possible, I thought up more games to use with the grid. By the end of the day my brain is smoking from overuse, getting rid of the rust accumulated from retirement.