Thursday 3 February 2011

Every morning I get a ride to work with the owners or a driver. The usual car the drivers use is black or silver with dark windows. This morning I came down early not sure who would be picking me up. I saw a brilliant yellow ‘Crossfox’, sort of a VW SUV waiting at the curb, never thinking it was my ride. I sat/stood in the curb right across from him for 20 minutes before I saw his clip board, which I always have to sign saying he picked me up. Will be more aware next time.

Some of the workers children are at school while their parents work getting ready. They are so cute, I’ll have to take pictures. The school has a small cafeteria. The cafeteria workers make delicious meals for teachers and students, even for teachers when there are no students. Today we had stroganoff, didn’t look like the usual kind served in Canada but I think it was better. The meat was chicken, with a light pinkish tomato sauce, served with rice and tiny, tiny potato sticks. Teachers even get real china plates, not plastic.

I asked about tuition for teachers’ children. They are allowed a scholarship which pays all tuition and just have to pay for snacks, quite generous and that’s the impression I get of the whole operation. They use a curriculum similar to Pan Canadian, of which many of the themes are very similar to Nova Scotia. We’ll be borrowing some of Marion MacIsaac’s ideas on structures, rolled newspapers and bridges.

I’ve been watching some huge birds soar over the beach and ocean. They look like Frigate birds.

Sauna is very good, I use the dry one but there is another that looks like a steam sauna.