Wednesday 9 February 2011

Sunrise and fog over the water, in Macae and a fancy mail slot.

This morning my driver was the same fellow who drove me here from the airport. A bit hyper and it shows in his driving, always trying to get ahead and cutting off other drivers. He’s the kind that gives Brazilian drivers a bad name. I asked one of the teachers how much it would cost to get a taxi from
Rio to here, she said about $500.00!!  Buses are much cheaper  but you have to get a taxi from the airport to the bus stop which doesn't have any English signs and few English speakers if any.
 Today I spent quite a bit of time in the classes and out on the playground, Such cute children and lovely names. I asked about the cafeteria and found out they have a nutritionist who works with the menu and they have different meals every day of the month, no repeats for a month. Chartwells (SRSB cafeterias) would be a distant last to this company.
On the drive to school we pass a wet area. There are always egrets, nice and white, not like the dirty , used to be white ones we saw in the canals in Cairo. There are also big white cattle with large horns and a lot of bumps called Zebu. I even saw an armadillo crossing sign or perhaps it was a `it’s a crime to kill an armadillo` notice.