Wednesday 2 February 2011

Alarm worked this morning and was picked up by a driver. Today my job was to give the teachers an example of how learning centres worked. Spent all morning getting some ready and the teachers went through them in the afternoon and had a lot of fun. Lunch is served here at school and it was very good, beans and rice, meat, salad and farofa made from toasted manioc flour with garlic and perhaps onions and meat.

This evening I have to find the laundry, there may be some on some floors but a real laundry is in the basement where they wash it for you. Some companies cover the costs of laundry. Will have to check, why do my own if it is free?

The teachers are here a week before school starts getting the classrooms ready and preparing for the children. There are about 175 students but the school is growing.

Walked down street to a bakery and market this evening. The police were stopping cars for what looked like road checks. The were carting some away and had the doors taped shut. A lot of worried looking people and curious onlookers. Went to the beach later and the waves are really rolling in. There is always a breeze here and some days stronger, and those waves are huge. Should have brought a surf board.