Tuesday 24 April 2012

Weather here in Oman is just right, although they say we are having an unusually cool spring. It’s 9:30 at night and is still 30C. I see in the forecast we are going to go up to 33 this week.  I’m thinking I’ll have to buy a pair of driving gloves. Already when I get in the car the steering wheel is almost too hot to hold. School is very busy in preparation for school inspectors. Getting very used to traffic circles, maybe I’ll start liking the Armdale rotary.
As I have mentioned before there is an army of Indian, Malaysian, Pakistani, Philippine and other Asian workers here. They work as drivers, maids, nannies and do all the grunt work around the city. Some fellows take advantage of the clean car rule and spend their days in store and shopping center parking lots offering car cleaning while you shop.
I guess it may be an adaptation but people in these hot countries walk slow, perhaps to keep cool in hot weather. When I walk with the boys to assembly they are asking why I’m running.  The building I live in has many of the teachers from our school. It’s a nice to know your neighbors and have so many nice people around to visit and socialize. It’s so enlightening to be with so many cultures. 

This 'Retail Center' is the liquor store. They are treated like Adult  shops at home , hidden away with no real sign telling what it is. The thing is Muslims aren't supposed to drink. I went in to scan the stock with a friend, I can't buy unless I get a permit. The closest I could see to a Canadian product was 'Canadian Club' Whiskey. We never made the wine section at all.

 On the way home, see the U turn.