Thursday 5 April 2012

April 5, 2012

First day of break, slept in till 6:00 AM. My sleep pattern is rearranged so that 6:00 is sleeping in. I had to go to the main Oman bank to set up my account so I could cash my first cheque and go to the shopping center to recharge my internet and phone. This was a route I didn’t drive alone before, but did just fine, now I know the way, expanding my comfort zone all the time.  Traffic isn’t bad here, absolutely nothing like Cairo, where you have to be a bit crazy to drive. My car, which is basically one step up from a lawn mower (1.4  engine) has been not starting as quickly as before and  hesitating when I step on the gas. I was a bit nervous about it quitting on me out of the city so I took it in and they gave me a replacement till mine is checked over. This one is much better, a 1.6 engine and I’m not giving it up. Bye –bye little Proton Sega.  
This evening 2 friends and I went to the Royal Oman Opera House to see the ballet ‘Cinderella’, very nice, my first ballet. The opera house is awesome, it was built in 2004, I believe and a huge structure which is quite close to our school.  Luckily, I had  packed a nice dress and shoes, for the dress is formal.

New car

Outside entrance to opera house
Close up to entrance

Opera house staff

The only picture I could take inside, no cameras allowed.

Inside hallway