Sunday 8 April 2012

April 7, 2012

Today was an exploring day, I drove up the coast, going West. I got a better idea of the scope of the city of Muscat. Someone said it is a ribbon city and I can see how it is stretched out for many km along the sea but only is about 2-3  km wide at the most, since that is where the mountains start. It is a dessert, with trees and plants growing where there is irrigation. The native trees and shrubs are stunted and very thorny and grow sporadically where they can get a little moisture, especially in the dry wadi (river) beds. When there is rain they are raging torrents of water. The ground is so dry it can’t absorb the water fast enough and there is flooding. In Musat  and at school, we see the rich and affluent, on this trip I saw there are poor Omani’s as well. I also drove up to Quarm Heights where there are beautiful views and housing that reminds me the dry areas of California. In the evening three of us were invited to dinner at my Indian friend’s. She made a delicious Indian supper.

 looking toward where I live.
 Good place to snorkel below.
 Not much green.
 Nice beach
 Looking North West