Tuesday 3 April 2012

April 3, 2012

Took a hike up the sand dune down the road. Some entrepreneur has lots of four wheelers and rents them out to people who want to buzz through the dunes. Some fellows are riding up there with the white disdashas. I know, Linda, Ian and Colin would love it. The dunes are quite high and quite steep. The sand is quite fine and the hill a good workout.  When I got on top I could see the ocean and the ‘Grand Mosque’, which is not far away at all. Next Friday, if I’m in town I’ll have to find my way over there.
Getting hotter, not quite sauna weather yet, but close.
 My apartment is out of sight to the extreme far top left.
 This settlement is behind the sand dune that is behind my place
 On top of the hill
 On the sea side of the dune I was standing on. The Grand Mosque is some where in the picture.
 Having lots of fun

 Looking way up. You can just see a fellow on the edge on top.