Wednesday 25 April 2012

April 25, 2012

TGIW all over again. Weekend has begun. After school packed up and went to the snorkel beach for supper and swim.  The water was just right for me but , too cold for the warm weather people. Didn’t see the turtle this evening but did swim up close with a lot of beautiful sohal surgeonfish. The schools of fish were doing their synchronized swimming and jumping routine again.  The beach is nice and sandy and gets quite deep right after stepping in the water. There are lots of  prickly sea urchins hiding in the coral so I have to wear water booties.

Nice perch for fishing

I've been watching for this fellow for a long time. On the beach I see the holes dug by him but never see the crab its self.

The crab digs a hole and throws out the sand from the dig.

Here he is looking right at me.
 This is a sohal surgeonfish.
This is not my picture but it is the kind of fish I see a lot when snorkeling. So beautiful.