Friday 20 April 2012

April 20, 2012

This morning went to the fish market again and forgot my camera chip again. Grrrrrr. So many types of fish, a lot of the kinds I snorkel with.  There are a type of lobster, very spiny and not as big as ours.  This afternoon I went snorkeling/swimming with some friends at Majan Beach, the  same one I went to Wednesday.  Beautiful coral and the water gets very deep soon after you step in. We have to wear water boots since there are lots of sea urchins hiding in the coral. I knew there were turtles there and was hunting for one. Finally saw a big fellow just below me about the size of a manhole cover. He had honey comb markings on his flippers and head.  They are very peaceful and just eat algae. About 7 of us had super at the beach and came home after dark.

Fellows jumping off the cliff. (No girls allowed!)
Fishing reef fish from the rocks.

People fishing  and Omanis relaxing