Saturday 28 April 2012

April 27, 2012

Another early morning, spent it doing school work till it was time to meet some Canadian friends for a trip to the beach in Yiti, which is about 45 minutes away. Lovely hot day, the sand was so hot we could not walk on it and the sand going in our sandals was burning our feet. Yiti was slated for a big resort development and work was started but the recession killed the project. So the ground work is there ready for a resort, stone work and the waterfront area already to start building but no structures, just a neat waterfront. We drove as close to the beach as possible and set out food in a cave to keep it cool and went in the water. Not long after we saw a herd of goats making their way down the mountain, following their nose to our food.  Had to scramble out of the water, retrieve our food and put it on the beach where we could watch it. Then we had to move it several more times as the tide came in.
The beach is beautiful and the water so wonderful. Clean, clear and in some places like a hot bathtub. We stayed in the water a long time and after a picnic lunch made our way back home a bit toasted. When I got back to my car it was so hot I couldn't touch the steering wheel or the stick shift or any other part. Had to put on the AC and wait till it cooled off.....and that is in 33C, wait till it gets even hotter. This heat would kill Archie.
The cave where we first put our food

Yiti beach, Oman

beautiful water and sand going way out

Such warm water, no 'gasp' when you go in

Yiti Beach, Oman

Yiti beach, Oman

Friday 27 April 2012

April 26, 2012

This morning I was up early, for some reason can’t sleep in here in Oman. The fish market was calling me again so I went off to Mutrah and was able to get some nice pictures. From there I spent time at Carrefour getting a beach umbrella and mat…..essentials here. Getting a feel for the place and finding my way about much better. In the evening four of us (Canada, Australia, India and US) went to the Dolphin Club which is not far from our place. It was a dinner and dance by the pool, a fund raiser for Ethiopian orphans. My last hair cut was the first of March so by now I’m getting quite shaggy and have been hunting for a hairdresser. Well problem solved, I won a cut and blow dry at the dinner. 
At the Mutrah fish market

Mutrah fish market

At home we call these bill fish
Cutting the fish for customers
Local Omani

Wheel barrow of sword fish
Canada, Canada, India, Australia


The palm trees by the pool.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

April 25, 2012

TGIW all over again. Weekend has begun. After school packed up and went to the snorkel beach for supper and swim.  The water was just right for me but , too cold for the warm weather people. Didn’t see the turtle this evening but did swim up close with a lot of beautiful sohal surgeonfish. The schools of fish were doing their synchronized swimming and jumping routine again.  The beach is nice and sandy and gets quite deep right after stepping in the water. There are lots of  prickly sea urchins hiding in the coral so I have to wear water booties.

Nice perch for fishing

I've been watching for this fellow for a long time. On the beach I see the holes dug by him but never see the crab its self.

The crab digs a hole and throws out the sand from the dig.

Here he is looking right at me.
 This is a sohal surgeonfish.
This is not my picture but it is the kind of fish I see a lot when snorkeling. So beautiful.