Friday 9 March 2012

March 9, 2012

No jet lag yet but instead I feel supercharged especially all last night, I was on Canada time and couldn’t sleep till dawn. Got a few more apartment issues resolved. The place smells like sewer because of the floor drains in the bathrooms and kitchen. Remembered from being in Egypt, what to do. Cut a piece of plastic a little bigger than the drain hole and put it on the drain cover. Pop the drain cover back in and …sealed! No more smell but if we have a leak I’ll be floating.
Spent a lot of the day reading my new book, ‘Oman-Live-Work-Explore’. Excellent book, tells everything you ever wanted to know about Oman.  Tells where the souks (markets) are. From experience I know what to buy…nothing heavy or bulky. Jewellery and scarves fit that criteria. Was looking at the pashmina scarves at the mall, these are Egyptian type but much, much softer…and a bit more expensive, they may be made of silk.
Getting picked up at 6:30 tomorrow morning. Sound like my Egypt routine, get up 5:30 get ready and check email, about 9:30 or 10:00 at home and Linda is 12 hours away.
 Standing at entrance looking South, through living dining area, into the guest bedroom. Kitchen, powder room and laundry room to the right.
 Living, dining area, looking north.
 Above is guest bedroom, no sheets and my bedroom with the twin sheets the school gave me. Have to get the correct size,
 Humble kitchen.