Saturday 10 March 2012

March 10, 2012

Having experienced no sleep to speak of since the last two nights I am very sympathetic to friends who can’t sleep. This is a new type of jet lag, I haven’t experienced before. Pretty sure I’ll be snoozing to night for I was napping during an assembly at school today. Plus I was able to buy a bottle of melatonin.
Spent all day at school with the children and the principal. The boys appear to be very well behaved and polite. The biggest problem is space, it has to be the smallest classroom I have ever taught in. Not much room for anything else but their desks. Looking at my timetable I see there are six periods each day of 55 minutes each.  I’ll be teaching three of those periods each day, very good free time.  
I’ll need a sweater from now on for the AC is freezing, although it is so nice and hot outside. The staff is most definite a melting pot, so many countries represented. Quite a few South Africans, new Zealanders and Australians. The administration is very supportive and right after school they sent over a good king size duvet for my bed and called the propane man. He was supposed to be here at least an hour ago, but that is the way it is here ‘Inshallah’, meaning God willing it will happen, in their own good time.
Beginning to look like I will have to rent a car so I won’t be bumming rides all the time. The traffic is manageable, nothing like Cairo, and roads are well maintained. I can be more independent and I will be able to show visitors the town…. if they come. Seems to be a shame to have so many places to explore and no way to do it. Today they were talking about the camel races which are just out of town and quite an event. So if you have a yearning to see an ancient country, beautiful weather, lovely beaches, with so much to do, book a flight and come for a visit. This huge apartment, 26 feet by 51 feet can hold a lot.
No scent free zones here, they spray the school with ‘air freshener’ and some people are soaked in it. Yuck!

 My apartment on the left, at end of path going down hill. Big mosque being built to the South.