Thursday 22 March 2012

March 22, 2012

Well today is my Saturday, although it’s only Thursday, VERY, VERY, confusing.  Yesterday evening my friend and I went to a car rental place and hit the jackpot. I now have a car. Getting a car here isn’t like in Canada, some people have had to wait more than a month. It is a Proton, Saga, a Malaysian car and it’s red, a very good colour since most of the cars here are black, grey, white and shades of those colours. Mine will stand out in the parking lot like a red apple in a bowl of pears.
Thursdays is the day to sweep out the desert of my apartment. The dust just filters in and settles on everything. But I’m cleaning only once a week, even if I’m up to my ankles in it.  Still haven’t even turned on the TV, will have to do it soon, brought my E-reader but no time to read.  I would call this a working holiday but with a good deal of work.
One of the teachers gave me the number of a friend of hers from Nova Scotia. Called her today and I’ll be meeting her and a group of Canadian expats  for coffee Friday morning.  A replacement for the Shore Road and Retired teachers’ breakfasts.  She has lots of information, told me where to swim where my Canadian one piece bathing suit is acceptable.  She also gave me ideas for the following week break.
Weather is nice. I looked up the weather stats on Oman, Cairo and Judique for June. Average temp for Judique in June: 15C, Cairo:27C and Muscat: 35C . Now that is average, counting the highs and lows. I thought Cairo was hot, this is reported to be much, much hotter. They say they  run from car AC to building AC.  I won’t have to look for a sauna here.  
Took the car out on a little exploration trip this afternoon. Can’t say it has a lot of power but its better than walking. Drove my way to the beach this evening with Maggie as navigator. Made it back and forth with only one wrong turn. Tomorrow which is Friday, but my Sunday, I’m getting up early, leaving here about 6:30 and exploring Muscat when the roads are almost empty. I’ll practice my drive to school and a good grocery store and then go to the coffee shop where I meet the Canadians.  Later a group of us are going to eat at a restaurant by the beach. 
 This is how the boys dress in class. Most take them off for break when they play soccer/football.
 Most construction work is done by migrant laborers

4 wheelers for rent just down the road from me.

 4 wheeling on the dunes
 This fellow was slowly sliding back down backwards.
 So many huge houses