Wednesday 28 March 2012

March 28, 2012

Wednesday (my Friday) all over again. This afternoon I went to the office where they look after notifying parents when a teacher want to see them. I wanted to call  a boy’s parents to tell them I would like to have his hearing checked. There are about three secretaries in the office.  One of them was finding the dad’s name and number. When she handed me the phone I asked her quickly to tell me the dad’s name so I could say hello Mr. ……  It was a difficult name so I was trying to practice it so I could say his name correctly when he answered. Got through the phone call but all through it the secretaries were giggling and laughing so much they were wiping the tears from their eyes. After I hung up and through more giggles they told me that instead of saying his name I was saying a VERY bad word in Arabic!
This afternoon after school I did what I have wanted to do for a long time, swim! I waked to the beach from school and found a deserted spot and went in the water. I felt the way a nudist would feel on Port Hood Beach, since no local ladies swim there in a bathing suit and in the distance there was a sizable group of ladies covered by abayas (black cloak), (quite a contrast to my bathing suit). But it was worth it, the water was so, so warm. No 'gasp' when submerging! I went out just waist deep, shallow enough to be safe and deep enough not to hit the bottom.
This afternoon at 5:00 the school has a Bazaar, something the same as we have home……but no homemade baked goods, mostly reselling commercial food they bought. Lots of people and lots of little Filipino nannies, almost the same size as some of the kids. 

 The little Filipino nannies
 Many of the ladies have henna decorations on their hands.
 The Bazaar
 Abayas and balloons.