Tuesday 13 March 2012

March 13, 2012

Last night I went out for a movie and dinner at a beachside cafe that made that made a salad with lettuce, fried bread and other things and kofta, BBQ chicken and meat on a stick. What a nice evening, so warm and calm. The expat staff is exceptionally friendly and the Omni staff is equally friendly.  There must be 60 teachers here. I’m finally getting my bearings around school and becoming more familiar with the route to school. The school is a sprawling group of buildings, mirror imaged for the boys and girl’s sides.  My boys are realizing their limits and settling down. Today was a good day, and they really enjoyed the math games we played. A good incentive to behave, no game at end of day if they don’t. This evening we went in to the mall, and I bought essentials at Carrefour. The city is booming, lots of expensive cars, and lots of East Asian nannies coming to pick up the kids. As soon as they meet them the little nannies take the school bag of the child, of all ages and carry it. The kids don’t even notice it is being done for them. The all wear uniform, the boys the long white dish dasha with the kuma hat on their head. The girls have a navy blue uniform with a white or blue head scarf.
I’m going to read them a Roand Dahl book, I was going to read Charlotte’s Web but all books with any mention of pigs are banned. Weather is getting warmer, visitors will need to come before it gets too hot, so if you have a hankering to see Oman, this is the time. Just as inexpensive as some trips to the Caribbean.  I have a week spring break April 5-13. Will have to plan something. No propane yet, Inshallah, maybe I will get it before June.