Thursday 15 March 2012

March 15, 2012

No school today (it’s our Saturday) but we had to go there to supervise students writing entrance exams. That ran from 9:30 to 11:00. I got a ride part way home and stopped off to pick up my photos, which I need for my resident card and for a lot of other things, so they say. I walked home from there and it’s about a 3 km hike. Was able to find my way back and got a little sunburn in the process. I know now why there is so much foot washing in the bible.  Sandals are worn all the time and the place is so dusty, your feet are always quite dirty after any walk about. There is sand everywhere. There is some vegetation, thorny bushes and dry looking grasses, haven’t seen any cactus at all. The wadis (dry stream beds) have a lot of trees growing around them because when it rains they are like rivers. There are palm trees and I think they are date palms. The mountains are very dry looking without much visible plant life.
Living here is something like working with computers, always problem solving. Nothing is the same as at home and we always have to figure out how to do it things a different way. 
Lots of construction going on, most of the workers are Indian, Philippine,Malaysian or in that area. It appears they do most of the manual labor, and domestic and shop jobs as well.

 Beautiful Mosque I passed on the walk home today.
 View looking West from my apartment window.
 Looking south
 Looking North from Apartment