Monday 10 March 2014

Back in Brazil

Left cold freezing Nova Scotia Saturday afternoon. Thanks for the ride to the airport John and Anna. Flights were OK except on my first one, somebody soaked in perfume sat near me. Scarf and antihistamine saved me. Today we are in the same time zone as Sao Paulo, Brazil, left Halifax at 5:55PM and arrived  here at 12:00 in afternoon. The school people picked me up and took me to the Palm Leaf Hotel. It isn’t the Hilton but it smells good and is nice and bright. The schools provide my meals so I can eat room service or go across the street and eat at the hotel there. I’ll be eating out.

Football/soccer, here is equal to our hockey at home. Some teams of soccer fellows staying at the hotel. Got in the elevator with them and had to hold my breath as long as I could, more strong perfume. …and they think they smell good.

I have a one month contract with Maple Bear Schools, to work in 4 schools, one a week. They have 140 schools in 10 countries, 68 in Brazil.

A very good company to work for.

My Hotel

Looking out my window

Where I eat

Hotel at a distance