Tuesday 18 June 2013

Look close to see a sea turtle with white barnacle on its back.

sea turtle again

Nora preparing to jump.

On way to see dolphins

No smoking for sure.

One of the veteran cats that hang around in the heat. Only the tough survive.

Sipping mixed juice in front of Sutan's yacht

Room mate

No caption needed

Place where we get the layered fruit drinks.

Saturday was a day at the beach, we went about 2:30 and realized because of the heat, the only place is straight into the water. Snorkeling in the bay at Majan Beach we see many kinds of fish and most of the time see a turtle. Yesterday when snorkeling in a bay, on the way back from dolphin watching Nora saw a large ray. Thinking of Steve Irwin, she didn’t stay long in that area. We also saw a long yellow sea snake on top of the water when we were dolphin watching. By now the water isn’t very refreshing, it’s like a hot bath and doesn’t cool us down much at all.
Sunday was another beach day, and Nora and one of the teachers climbed to the top of the cliff and jumped in the water. We did a snorkel tour before hand to make sure there was nothing in the water. The water there is very deep, maybe 20 m. I had my water camera and was able to film the jump, a bit shaky since I was treading water for quite a while. We also spotted a turtle hanging out on the bottom, he was easy to identify as he had a big white barnacle on his back.
Will try to upload the dolphins and a few other movies, if internet lets me. If not will do when we get home.