Saturday 22 March 2014

Little Toddler.

This morning I went to their other school for the first part of the morning. I observed and took two little boys aside to give a quick opinion. It was truly amazing when we saw how one fellow's printing and pictures were improved remarkably by using coloured paper. He also loved listening to and following along as I read a book to him. He will be helped greatly by using the coloured plastic overlays and by using coloured paper instead of white.
Today and yesterday at the Vila Nova School I was in Toddler but today was Little Toddler. They just leaned to walk, some 14 months old. Now that is a challenging class, like herding chickens, but the teachers do a wonderful job. They are constantly changing activities. to keep them interested.  They teachers have to be continually up beat and super interesting. What a cute group. 
Teachers and administration wonderful people. 
My late nights getting ready for school caught up with me this afternoon. When I arrived back at hotel I fell asleep for 3 hours. This weekend will be spent writing up a report for the school I was with all week and getting ready for this parent's evening talk this coming Thursday. 
I see there is a weekend market very close to the hotel, so I will be going there tomorrow morning.

These two fellows are painting the building across the street.

My 4 buds I brought with me. They have helped me out  a lot in the classrooms.