Wednesday 12 March 2014


Another long day at school but it was fun. I dug out my puppets and the Toddler and nursery kids loved them. Nice school, so well equipped, organized and well planned. Had lunch at a wonderful place with  school owner and again I say the fruit is so good. Today I realized it would be a very good idea for me to get a surge protector as there are surges that can fry your computer. It was after supper so the hotel got me a cab and I went to Carrfour the big supermarket. Went in looking for a surge protector (had it written in Portuguese) but they said they didn't have any. Well I just had a feeling they did so I hunted around till I found someone else who did show me where they were. Found a taxi back to the hotel and now the instructions are in Portuguese and I can't get the blasted thing to work. Will take it to school and I hope the tech person should be able to help me.
Tomorrow I teach 3 lessons. Scrambling for ideas for lessons on pairs and lines.
Its a rainy city, this afternoon there was big thunder storm. I could hear a lot of screaming and crying from the little classes. I guess they were scared. Despite the rain I didn't need a sweater. Lovely climate.