Friday 25 January 2008

'STUCK' in Traffic. Egyptian style!!

It is Thursday, which is the last day of the school week and pay day. They pay us twice a month. I wasn’t able to go to the finance office so I will get my cash Sunday. They deal only in cash. To pay me they take out a big stack of bills and count it out. 80% US and 20% Egyptian. To pay tuition parents come in with bricks of bills, don’t know where they store it but they have suitcases of cash for pay day. Got stuck in traffic on the way home on the bus and I really mean stuck. Just as we were approaching our stop we came to a spot where a truck was double parked. The bus driver got out and said a few choice words in Egyptian with a lot of gestures and then decided to follow the advice of the people gathering to add their opinion. So he gets back in the bus and decides to try squeeze through. Well he overestimated the opening for we were wedged between a truck and a car. I’d say 2 cm to spare on the side of the car. The truck was scraping the bus . So we back up and the truck driver materializes and moves the truck to one side. Now our bus has a scrape down the side but no one even looks at it and we drive off.