Monday 28 January 2008

January 28, 2008

My wonderful apartment does have a few flaws. Mainly plumbing! Tried a wash in my new washer, well…… won’t spin. Clothes come out saturated with water. While setting up my washer they cut off the cold water to one of my showers. My other shower is bad news too. The handle came off the cold water (mid shower) so the tap was running continuously and could not be shut off. Thought I’d have water running all day but I found another shut off. Went out and bought a tool kit. A wrench took care of the continuous running tap. Then another pipe sprung a leak, sprayed water all over the bathroom. Think I need duct tape! Took a walk down Road 9, a lot of shops. Lots of jewelry and hand made articles. I bought a camel hair rug for $40. It is quite large (see the shoe for perspective).