Tuesday 29 January 2008

January 29

Well it was raining again today, when it stopped raining it was quite windy. I thought I was going somewhere dry and warm... well it is wet and cold. Today I saw one of my boys all budled up, I counted his layers. he had nine layers. 9!! Warm coat and 8 sweaters. Kids are great. I'm settled now and it is much easier. I know most of the names on sight and can pronounce most of them. The popular boy names here are , Omar, Ahmed, Mohamed, Mustafa, Yasseen, Husseen, Girls don't duplicate names as much .Some names are Malak, Dala, Jamila, Nour, Aisha,Norhad, Rokaya, Ruanne. With 13 as my largest class size it is pretty cushy. 3 days with 1 hr 15 min free and 2 days with 2 hrs free, 20 min cafeteria duty each day. Good meals at cafeteria cost about a dollar or 1.50. Today I went up the road to a 'fast food' place (it looks clean) and had falafel and another bean filled pita bread, $2.00. About a liter of orange juice he squeezed right on the spot, 2.10. Now I think I have the dwelling construction figured out. They pour the frame of the building from cement. this includes the stairways all floors and pillars which hold up the building. Then they brick up all the walls and leave openings for windows and doors. Then they plaster over the bricks with some sort of cement mortar and color the final coat. Often they leave the top floor unfinished for they pay lower taxes for unfinished buildings. So you see pillars with rebar sticking out of the roof. Oh no not finished ,we’re adding another floor soon. Watched the train go by yesterday, the signals are there just like in Canada but…they don’t light up or even flash. The soldiers come over and stop traffic when the train goes by. Busses are so loaded down people are hanging out the doors. I watched one yesterday and if the driver took the corner too close, the hanger on was going to get wiped off. Good thing I had my locks changed. I guess the landlord didn't tell my other bowab I was moved in, so I heard someone trying to put a key in my lock. He was going to show my apartment, Thought I hadn't moved in. Always change the locks! there is often an extra key they don't give you.