Friday 18 January 2008

January 17, 2008

I'm cold because it is cold here plus we are teaching in a cold cold school. Much of it open to the air, only classrooms and specific rooms are closed from the outside air. The hall ways are open to the outside, balconies really. But then by 3:00 it heats up to quite hot. Our classrooms all have a heater which is AC in summer and heater in winter. Got to go in as soon as we get there to turn on my classroom heat and warm up before school starts. Temp in morning is 9 degrees. Not in my own place yet but saw an awesome place tonight for 3000 LE = $600 a month. The school pays 1700 LE + $340 so it would cost me 260 for a month. This one has 3 bedrooms, awesome furniture, Cable TV, Microwave, toaster over, kettle, dishes and utensils, bedding and more. The appt is huge. Might get it , will see tomorrow. Admin very, very supportive, staff excellent and friendly, we are all in the same boat, adventurers, such a learning experience. The kids are fun, very loving and interesting and rich!!! But still kids. Coming here was a good move, it is such an adventure and the people are great. The Egyptians are such a warm people. There are so many caste levels, There are many children who do not go to school we see them working on the streets. Families live in unheated hovels and in abandoned apt buildings. A good carpenter would make about 500-800 LE a month. That is about $100-$160 a month. We are considered very rich. When I get my apt I will have most likely 3 bedrooms and a huge living room. My weekend just started, Thursday, no school Fri, start again on Sunday.