Sunday 13 January 2008

January 13, 2008

I am across the river Nile about 7 km from the Great Pyramid of Giza. Key in Maadi Hotel, Egypt in Google Earth. That should take you there. Across the river you will see a bunch of blue bubble markers. That is where the pyramids I can see are situated. I will leave the hotel and move in with Linda and Barry Crawford for a few days till I get my own place. Was picked up at 7:00 for school this morning by the school driver Tulat. I observed in my class all day. Smallest class 9, larget 12. The kids are so cute and nice. Student cuteness increases as the class size decreases! The school is large and mostly all narble, granite, tile and stucco. The classrooms are inclosed rooms but most of the hallways are outside. Now I thought it was warm in Egypt but not early in the morning in a marble school, freezing!Should have brought my down coat. The drive to and from school is a circus every day,complete with animals, stunt drivers and clowns walking across the road in traffic. People here have the attitude there is no reason to interfere with fate, if you were meant to be run over by a bus, it is god's will, so why move. Serious, not kidding(none at all) They also don't believe in liability insurance or vehicle insurance. Took a walk this evening, the roads a filthy with trash, no sidewaks, people walk on the outside of the parked cars. There are no traffic lights and half the cars don't use their headlights AT NIGHT!! True!! Stray cats eating out of the garbage cans everywhere. This morning at 5;15 (SUNRISE THE MOSQUE ACROSS THE street started blasting a sermon or songs from the loudspeaker) They are at it again now, must be for sunset. They do it about 5 times a day. And yes Hughie and Ann the dogs were at it again last night, this time they kept me awake! Food and a restaurant meal are very cheap. The best meal on the restaurnt menu at the hotel is 75 pounds, that is 15 dollars.