Wednesday 23 January 2008

January 22, 2008

It rained last night and almost all day. It was very foggy/smoggy this morning. The school inside was also foggy. The hall ways are open to the elements and the wind blows through. The offices and classrooms are enclosed but the hallways all open to the weather. It is odd to have so much rain here, the roads are have lots of large puddles and driving is hazardous because all the mud and oil which have accumulated on the road make it slippery and there are not any storm drains so the water accumulates on the road. Most cars don’t have windshield wipers that work. Signed the lease for my apartment. I’ll move in, in a few days after I clean up a bit and wash the bed clothes and buy some essentials. Went down to the wedding late. The place was transformed into quite a fancy place. Satin decorations, the chairs covered in white satin. We were late because of getting my apartment and the ladies had all moved to rooms upstairs and only the men were left. The food was all set out and looked very fancy….but I saw it being prepared!! What a day for a wedding, talk about bad luck, it only rains a few days during the whole year and it rained all through their wedding and made the road very muddy.