Monday 13 May 2013

Getting hotter

Monday May 13, 2013

School was excellent today, the girls make my day fun. After school Maggie and I went to Majan beach for a swim and snorkel. I saw an orange, black and blue Nemo fish in an anemone. He was quite aggressive, chasing the other fish away. I also saw 3 puffer fish, deflated. The water was warm and the sea like glass, a nice way to relax after school. A few nights ago I left the laundry room door ajar, (its open to the air), and a bunch of mosquitoes sneaked in and feasted on me. The welts are itchy, hot, swollen and larger than loonies. I just had to take the traffic caution pictures below. Did a wash, this evening, the articles I put in had better want hot water, because that is all there is when the tank is on the roof. forecast predicting 39-40 for Friday. So hot now, I can't drive as soon as I get in the car, have to wait till the steering wheel and stick shift cool down.
One of my girls had her hands hennaed, so pretty

This fellow doesn't cost much to hire.

Big savings on the highway budget, who needs the real thing?

Sunset on the Corniche
My Proton Gen X