Thursday 9 May 2013

Back In Oman

Left Halifax at 6:25 PM, had a short wait in Toronto and a great sleep over the Atlantic. Arrived in Frankfurt and had to run a long way to catch my flight, got there after it had boarded but made it on. Had another snooze on the way to Dubai and then on to Muscat. Arrived at 10:25 PM.  I already had a visa so sailed through customs and my luggage was waiting for me when I got to baggage. Picked up at the airport and went on to Sushelia’s apartment where I spent the night, so great to see her. I learned my lesson about jet lag last trip so I was ready with melatonin this time and slept till 8:00. Off to school where I saw so many good friends and got a quick briefing on what I’ll be doing. Went in with my 25 girls for about an hour and had a very nice afternoon. Looked after new passwords, the new thumb scan time clock and other details. After school bought new SIM cards and loaded my phone and internet stick, went for a swim in the Gulf of Oman and came to my flat and unpacked. Whew….and fish market tomorrow morning, love looking at all the different fish.
Oh yes and I’m mobile, went to the car rental and picked up the same kind of car I had last time, Proton Gen2, nothing fancy but enough power to make the roundabouts.
Wanted to bring lobster and realized a 21 hour flight just isn’t a healthy way to transport lobster. Instead I bought frozen canned lobster at Clearwater in Halifax, wrapped it in multiple layers of Styrofoam wrap, rolled it in a towel and then wrapped it in a yoga mat and put it in my checked baggage. Still frozen when I arrived!