Saturday 11 May 2013

Lobster in Oman

Getting to know my apartment, it has 2 bedrooms and two bathrooms, living room, kitchen and laundry room. I’m on the sixth floor and next door to a grocery store. Makes it easy when I run out of water. There is A/C in the three main rooms and a ceiling fan as well. Tried to sleep with the ceiling fan on high last night and I had to shut it off for it sounded like a helicopter ride.  My only complaint is the water doesn’t have much pressure. I’m getting used to the call to prayer at the mosque at daybreak.

Today was busy, went to a talk on healthy living with friends and in the evening after all my lessons for tomorrow were planned went to a party at Maggie’s. We broke out the canned Clearwater lobster and it was excellent. It’s a perfect way to transport lobster for a long, long distance. We had lots of potato salad and it was just like home in Cape Breton. It was enjoyed by South Africa, Scotland, Arizona, Australia, UK, Channel Islands and India.  I have an internet stick but it is having problems sending pictures. Will try again and if they won’t go, I’ll got to a WIFI spot.