Tuesday 28 May 2013

A Little Drive

Every day is a busy day, lots of work at school and more correcting and home-work when I get home.  Saturday and Sunday were great days at the beach and the cove has white sand and lots of coral.  I rarely just swim, I always snorkel, there is so much to see under the water. The last two days we saw a turtle and were able to follow it and watch it come up for air, just one gulp and its down again. There are amazing schools of silver fish, and they just part and swim around us. Sometimes we are surrounded by thousands of fish perhaps 15 cm long. We see an occasional sea anemone and Nemo as well as all the other different types. The coral is also so varied and amazing.

After school yesterday a friend asked me to go to Ruwi, a part of the city about 10 km away. Ruwi is a place I often get lost, so this time I used a map and we were able to find the store we needed fairly easily.  On the way out, not as easy, Sushelia asked directions from fellows in Hindi and they told us the way out. We were on the way….but took a wrong turn off and that was it, we were on our way up the mountain to the town behind Muscat….with the gas light on and no gas station in sight and not one turn around or turn off lane until we finally came back down the other side. (Reminds me of a trip on the Cabot Trail, when I thought Pleasant Bay had a gas station, made it to Dingwall…barely) Luckily we spotted a Shell station and filled up. I had been to Amrat before and when we reached the central round about, I guessed correctly and we were on the way back up the mountain by another road, I was familiar with. The Proton, sure isn’t a SUV or close to it, but we chugged up the mountain and down the other side. The whole escapade took about 2 ½ hours.

Weather isn’t a hot as it was last year, not in the 40s very much yet. But it’s great, no socks, no sweaters, never cold. Love my 25 girls, they are so eager to work and love art projects. Going on a trip this weekend, a mountain crossing. I am going with Helen from South Africa and it should be fun.

Friday 24 May 2013

Pictures from Turtle Beach

Underwater me

Turtle at Turtle Beach, no he isn't really pink.

Above turtle on sea floor


Reef fish

Me, Sally and Ingi

Sally and me
I finally figured out how to add photos to my blog from my MAC. These are from last weekend.

Friday in Muscat

Today was an exploring day. I went to Mutrah and spent a lot of time at LuLus an Indian 'SuperStore'.  I bought leggings to prevent another roasting when I snorkel all day again and running shoes for the hike next weekend. The flowers here are awesome, the trees are full of blossoms, the frangipani is my favorite, it smells so nice and is beautiful. There are other trees full of yellow blossoms and then there are the trees loaded with red blossoms. The boulevards are lined with zinnias, the giant kind and are of all colors.The city isn't really very large and is easy to navigate.
I did a wash and before the clothes are out of the washer (powerful spinner) there are dry spots on the clothes. I washed my comforter and it was dry in about 2 hours. my apartment is just next door to a grocery store so its very easy to get what I need.
No explanation required

Beautiful tree

My apartment on the left, I'm on top floor in the back. The grocery store is Almaya

One of my girls is going to a wedding this weekend. This is a special henna.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Majan Beach

Thursday all over again, the weekend is here.  Our weekend now is Friday and Saturday. This week was busy as usual, the days fly by and then its time to get ready for tomorrow. Sunburn has all faded away and this evening went to Majan Beach with Maggie for a snorkel. The beach is in a small cove and is surrounded by coral. The sand is white and full of shell bits. Looking in the water close to shore it is interesting to see all the shells filled with crabs all scurrying around. I was swimming in a huge school of fish about 20 cm long and was surrounded by them, what a feeling. There is an deep area close to shore where the Surgeon-fish always swim, they are so beautiful, blue and white with yellow fins.  Then I looked down and below me I saw a huge leather back type turtle, probably the size of a car tire, the largest I have seen at this beach. These turtles are awesome.

Apartment is fine except for lack of water pressure. I think I have finally figured out how to manage the A/C. It’s a balance between sweating all night or freezing. As for the mosque next door, don't even hear it any more.

My girls are awesome and am enjoying them very much, such interesting people. They love art and have made some awesome creations.
The weather here is quite lovely, being a sun worshiper, I just love to walk out and soak it up. Its in the high 30s and low 40s these days.   Back home June 21, going to try get in a visit to the Souq tomorrow. 
Corniche Muscat. Its a long causeway drive which is very popular for walking and driving.

One of the most beautiful Mosques, within walking distance from my apartment.

Another mosque on the way home

Worth coming to Oman, Its all fresh blended fruit, no sugar

These forts are all over Oman, located usually on hilltops.

Mutrah Corniche

Fancy Arch on the way into Mutrah

Frangipani, they are so beautiful and smell wonderful

Saturday 18 May 2013

Turtle Beach Snorkelling

Thursday after school I drove to the Dolphin Club and met with Ingi, Sally and Jos. WE all went with Sally and Jos and after a 3 hour drive we arrives at Turtle Beach Resort at Ras Al Hadd. We booked for two nights with 2 breakfasts and two suppers included. The resort is located where there are a lot of turtles, the huge turtles we saw last year aren’t here but there are smaller turtles. We arrived too late for a swim on Thursday but had a nice supper in the dining room and I got lots of interesting South African information. Friday morning we were up early and into the water before breakfast. We spent about an hour in the water and after breakfast another two hours and them more time in the afternoon and evening. I was smart to wear a long sleeve shirt in but since I thought my legs would be underwater I didn’t cover them or use sunscreen on them. Not smart, have a hot seat and hot legs and wore pants in the water after that. The water is amazingly warm, and the coral and fish are beyond imagination. We saw two turtles and multi coloured fish of all types. My favorites were the yellow and black tear-drop shaped fish and the many blue fish, indigo fish and many other shades of blue and yellow. We saw an eel, cuttle fish, squid, a large puffer fish, and so may others. The coral is massive and every colour and shape. We saw clown fish in the sea anemone. Ingi had a camera and took some awesome shots. We were water logged by the time to go home, but it was awesome.
Mini  fort on a hill

House in the desert

House in the desert

Omani Dhow

Front beach at resort

Our cabin



You can see the coral in the water 

Coral reefs top left


Goat on the way home
Sallyann and I 

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Sus, Sun, Sun

Another cloudless day in Muscat. School went fine and I’m getting to remember more names. Its difficult when they all wear the same uniform and scarf, all have dark eyes and black hair. Great girls, enjoying them very much. This weekend Friday and Saturday, I’m going to The Turtle Beach Resort at Ras al Hadd with friends for some new snorkeling, relaxing and swimming. This evening went to Majan beach from school, the sun was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and the water is so warm, no gasp factor. I was swimming on the outside of a large school of fish.

Monday 13 May 2013

Getting hotter

Monday May 13, 2013

School was excellent today, the girls make my day fun. After school Maggie and I went to Majan beach for a swim and snorkel. I saw an orange, black and blue Nemo fish in an anemone. He was quite aggressive, chasing the other fish away. I also saw 3 puffer fish, deflated. The water was warm and the sea like glass, a nice way to relax after school. A few nights ago I left the laundry room door ajar, (its open to the air), and a bunch of mosquitoes sneaked in and feasted on me. The welts are itchy, hot, swollen and larger than loonies. I just had to take the traffic caution pictures below. Did a wash, this evening, the articles I put in had better want hot water, because that is all there is when the tank is on the roof. forecast predicting 39-40 for Friday. So hot now, I can't drive as soon as I get in the car, have to wait till the steering wheel and stick shift cool down.
One of my girls had her hands hennaed, so pretty

This fellow doesn't cost much to hire.

Big savings on the highway budget, who needs the real thing?

Sunset on the Corniche
My Proton Gen X

Sunday 12 May 2013

First Full day of School

Today was my first whole day in class with the girls. It is a grade 6 class, with 25 students (all girls). The boys are on the other side of the school and they don’t mingle at all.   The school front is the administration area, we walk through this into the courtyard. The cafeteria is in the middle, split in half, boys one side, girls the other. The girls and boys sections are mirror images, on each side of the cafeteria. The school is a place with distinctive smells. Immediately on walking in the administration building I could smell incense and stepping out in the courtyard I could smell the jasmine, what a lovely smell and….. there is the soaked in cologne smell from the boys high school section.

My apartment is fine but I have some things to resolve, I can’t turn on my propane stove (and I’m not experimenting with it), I guess the water pressure was always very low and good thing I’m not short, I can barely reach the first cupboard shelf.

School starts at 7:30 in the morning and last class is over at 2:10. Lunch/breakfast is served at the 10:00 break. I teach three, 55 minute classes a day.

I had a great day in class today. I had fun and the girls had fun, Nora’s sticky Mosaic Jewels   http://www.stickymosaics.com/   were a total hit. I’m sure they will add to my popularity.

The school is very fortunate to have such a wonderful staff. I was so happy to see so many familiar faces. Wonderful people from all over the world. 
My mosque next door, right across from my bedroom!

Majan Beach Friday, Helen, Ingi and me

Saturday 11 May 2013

Lobster in Oman

Getting to know my apartment, it has 2 bedrooms and two bathrooms, living room, kitchen and laundry room. I’m on the sixth floor and next door to a grocery store. Makes it easy when I run out of water. There is A/C in the three main rooms and a ceiling fan as well. Tried to sleep with the ceiling fan on high last night and I had to shut it off for it sounded like a helicopter ride.  My only complaint is the water doesn’t have much pressure. I’m getting used to the call to prayer at the mosque at daybreak.

Today was busy, went to a talk on healthy living with friends and in the evening after all my lessons for tomorrow were planned went to a party at Maggie’s. We broke out the canned Clearwater lobster and it was excellent. It’s a perfect way to transport lobster for a long, long distance. We had lots of potato salad and it was just like home in Cape Breton. It was enjoyed by South Africa, Scotland, Arizona, Australia, UK, Channel Islands and India.  I have an internet stick but it is having problems sending pictures. Will try again and if they won’t go, I’ll got to a WIFI spot.

Beach day

Woke up just before dawn, and realized…. I’m next to a mosque.  The call to prayer was being broadcasted my way quite loudly. The second time I was up at 7:00 to meet Maggie to go to the fish market, I enjoy looking at all the different types of fish for sale. Met my flatmate last night, he is about 25 cm long, tan in color and can run up the walls like Edmund Hilary, but he said his name was Gecko.  Made a trip to Carrefour the big supermarket and picked up essentials, surge protector and kitchen supplies. Joined Karen for lunch at The Silk Route, one of my favorite restaurants. At four I met Ingi, Helen, Sally Anne and Azra and her two little mermaids, at Majan beach for swimming and snorkeling. When I left in June the girls were just learning to snorkel, today they were like little fish.. Water was so warm but was a bit murky and the visibility wasn’t so good but it was very nice. We had our usual picnic spread and we all said how much we missed Veronica who is in Morocco.

Majan Beach is a small cove and the bottom is all coral. We make sure to wear water shoes for all the little holes are homes to very spiny sea urchins.
Having problems posting pictures, will post later.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Back In Oman

Left Halifax at 6:25 PM, had a short wait in Toronto and a great sleep over the Atlantic. Arrived in Frankfurt and had to run a long way to catch my flight, got there after it had boarded but made it on. Had another snooze on the way to Dubai and then on to Muscat. Arrived at 10:25 PM.  I already had a visa so sailed through customs and my luggage was waiting for me when I got to baggage. Picked up at the airport and went on to Sushelia’s apartment where I spent the night, so great to see her. I learned my lesson about jet lag last trip so I was ready with melatonin this time and slept till 8:00. Off to school where I saw so many good friends and got a quick briefing on what I’ll be doing. Went in with my 25 girls for about an hour and had a very nice afternoon. Looked after new passwords, the new thumb scan time clock and other details. After school bought new SIM cards and loaded my phone and internet stick, went for a swim in the Gulf of Oman and came to my flat and unpacked. Whew….and fish market tomorrow morning, love looking at all the different fish.
Oh yes and I’m mobile, went to the car rental and picked up the same kind of car I had last time, Proton Gen2, nothing fancy but enough power to make the roundabouts.
Wanted to bring lobster and realized a 21 hour flight just isn’t a healthy way to transport lobster. Instead I bought frozen canned lobster at Clearwater in Halifax, wrapped it in multiple layers of Styrofoam wrap, rolled it in a towel and then wrapped it in a yoga mat and put it in my checked baggage. Still frozen when I arrived!