Sunday 27 May 2012

May 27, 2012

We stayed at Danat Al-Khaleej Hotel  a 3 star hotel just past the ferry dock. We had supper there for two evening and it was very good, we ordered Indian food. They must have some electrical problems, for every night when we were eating the power was going on and off. Thursday morning we were up early and off to explore the island. We stopped at many beautiful beaches, some with white sand. They all had coral and such beautiful shells, we picked buckets of them. We found a dead turtle, very large, about a meter long that had been killed for its meat.  Since we had a 4x4 we were able to go off road and explore areas a car couldn’t go.  We saw many old shells probably fossils in the wadi (dry river) beds and in the sand dunes. We climbed a hilly mound and found flakes where some ancient person had been chipping on red chert to make arrow/spear heads. On the way down we saw an old graveyard. They don’t use large tombstones, just some rocks standing upright. The graves are covered with mounds of stones.  We did a circuit around the island.  All over the island there are many camels and goats foraging without fences. Fences are a rarity; instead every home is surrounded by a brick wall. 
camels by the road

blue sponge

This is a dhow, a traditional Omani fishing boat

All these mounds were made by burrowing crabs

Old dhow
Roadside camels

Old, old shells

desert vegetation

Camel pruning the trees

old Omani graveyard

white beach
Where we stayed

Foraging camel, in garbage, on street, in town.

Driving in a wadi

Burrowing crab

Large turtle

white beach Misirah
