Monday 7 May 2012

May 7, 2012

 Cooler today, I was able to touch the steering wheel when I got in the car.  It’s about 32 now at 8:00 PM. That’s warm for night time. I have the AC going and it is nice and comfortable inside. Our classrooms are nice and cool and when I go in the hall, where it is superhot, my glasses fog up…opposite of Canadian winter.  I’ve been having trouble drinking enough to quench my thirst and having cotton mouth all the time. The last few days I’ve made an electrolyte drink (thanks Colin) with sea salt and date syrup diluted in water and have felt much less thirsty. We have to drink water all the time to keep hydrated, 4-5 liters. It’s a must to take where ever you go. Muscles are much better tonight thanks to my yoga session last night where our instructor stretches us to the limit and beyond. I’d call it hot yoga since we are doing it on a rooftop in sweltering heat.
Our porters


Looking down the staircase into the dam pool

Scary staircase

Look closely and you will see the people ahead of me on the trail.

Our hotel from the South

Showing the cliff towering over the little house.
Interesting wall in the village