Tuesday 15 May 2012

May 15, 2012

The Weather network said it was 38 degrees C today but I suspect it was a lot higher. Heat is OK but when the humidity is high then it is uncomfortable. Our classrooms and anywhere in the school buildings are well air-conditioned but outside is like an oven.  Our apartments have  4 AC units  and each room has a large ceiling fan. I didn’t start using them yet. I figure if we all used them at once the whole place would lift off like a helicopter.  Time is flying by, I can’t believe how fast. Last day for students is June 20th. Teachers have to stay a bit longer to close the place down.  My flight out is on the 25th. There is a rumour that we may have a holiday the 16th or 17th of June,  please, please, a long weekend.  It all depends on the moon.
Went to ‘Hot’ yoga on the roof again tonight, our teacher is so great, she is an example of what keeping fit does for you. I want to be as supple as her. She is an inspiration, my age and can  do cartwheels. This is my third week and I can definitely see a big difference.  Finally getting my hair cut on Thursday, the boys are wondering why I have a boy haircut, wait till they see me Saturday. This longer hair is hot.