Thursday 17 May 2012

May 17, 2012

Finally was able to get my hair cut. Not as good as what Jon MacNeil does but it will do. I spent the rest of the day doing report cards comments. I have 19 boys, and have to make comments for 3 areas. I am trying to write about 75 words per comment, so …… about 225 words per boy and these are hardest reports, just like October, for I am just really getting to know them.  I hate doing this so much, but so far I did 9 boys today. 10 left to do tomorrow. They are due the 30 of May but want to get them out of the way so I can have a decent weekend next weekend. 
View from bedroom window: Construction on a new mosque to the West. We are situated between two large sandunes. This is the West dune.

This is the project going on the North side.

View from bedroom window: This is a huge construction site to the West. It is just beside the Mosque.