Tuesday 22 May 2012

May 22, 2012

Very hot day as it was all week. I’m changing the website where I get my Muscat temperature readings. The BBC has a much more accurate site.  Today was 44 +, my glasses fog up when I go OUTSIDE, opposite of how they fog up at home. The children wear shorts and T-shirts under their disdashas. The disdashas are made of a heavy cloth, not some light fabric. The boys are soaked with sweat when they come in and that is not from playing. It’s too hot for football anymore. Although I still am comfortable in the heat, I am sweating and have to drink about 4 liters a day. After school tomorrow several of us are taking a trip to Masirah, an island off the East coast of Oman, 95 km long north-south, between 12 and 14 km wide, with an area of about 649 km², and a population estimated at 12,000 in 12 villages. (Wikipedia). We go Wednesday and get home on Friday evening. Was at yoga again this evening, sweltering hot, but a great workout. Our instructor is the very best. Linda arrives in a week, next Tuesday, can’t wait.