Monday 8 September 2014

september 7th, 2014

The movie above is Samba music in a restaurant/bar close by.

A day off, still got up early for the delicious breakfast at the hotel. I picked scrambled eggs, fresh papaya, pineapple and mango. Then there is cheese, meat, and all these pastries and sweets. So much better than the continental breakfasts North American hotels serve.
I’m certainly not a tourist. Yesterday I took a walk around our area and found the Lima subway station. I thought about taking a trip on it but too much prep work to do. I found a grocery store and have been there twice, food is expensive here. Our dollar is worth about twice as much as their Real. Last night the Pentecostals out side my window were making a lot of noise, and the singing was not good. Tonight I’m again tempted to go in and visit, the music tonight is very nice.
I see quite a few homeless people, I think they collect and sort the garbage and sell cardboard and other recyclable materials. There is a man and woman who I think are a couple, for I see them working together and collecting items. Last night I could see where they set up their cart on out street corner, for the night. All covered with a tarp and very cozy. I also saw them on another corner cooking a meal over an open flame burner.
When I look out from the restaurant you can get an idea of what the place looked like maybe 100 years ago. I think the red roof buildings were the old family homes and the skyscrapers have been built all around them.
Tomorrow it’s off to school for the second week. I really like this school. Such pleasant people and excellent teachers, in general all the teachers I’ve met follow that pattern. Tomorrow evening another teacher workshop.
The Pentecostals

View from the new school

The home of the homeless outside my window this morning.

I had my cat fix. He was in a store, blue eyes.

On sidewalk

Huge tree

Police hang out together

More beautiful flowers n a tree

Spring flowers on a tree

A huge, huge tree