Saturday 6 September 2014

Lots of Work

Spotted this go by my window

These two argue and shout at each other very often.... outside my window

Not wheel chair or suit case friendly sidewalks

growing out of the tree in school playground

View as I eat breakfast

Breakfast view again


My hotel and looking at my room on the 1st floor

It has been a very busy week. I get a taxi from the hotel to school at 7:30 and leave there about 5:45. So far I did two workshops with teachers, with one tomorrow morning for parents and another Monday evening. Then every evening is spent preparing for the next day. It has been a wonderful experience, for the teachers are truly awesome people who are so dedicated and creative. The kids from 15 months to 7 are so much fun. I’ve had fun reading Robert Munch to most of them and introducing them to my moose, wolf, eagle and bear puppets. I hide them in a box and pretend to wake them up and say they are scratching to get out, then do a big production of getting them out of the box, they love it.
I get a taxi every day, pretty soon I’ll be able to find my way there myself. Today I was able to leave school about 4:30 so I was able to go for a walk down the street and found a grocery store. I bought some of their lovely fruit for supper instead of going to the hotel restaurant.
I’ll be here for another week then off to another school about a half hour away.
The more schools I visit, the more I realize that Maple Bear is a very good organization.