Monday 29 September 2014

Hello Valinhos

It was a wonderful two weeks at Jundiai. As in the school before, very personable staff and administration, who were not only very kind to me but to each other and to the children. At Jundiai I was able to test a lot of students and teachers for the Irlen Syndrome. Found a high incidence….especially in teachers.
One teacher was able to read and comprehend so much more and is headache free for the first time in years. All she did was, when she reads/studies she uses the blue Irlen overlay.
With the help of teachers I was able to experience a taste of the ‘real’ Brazil. We went out to listen to bands at 2 clubs. Both were very tasteful events with patrons behaving very well. No evidence of intoxication or bad behavior, but with tight, well controlled security. Both bands were awesome and to my surprise, most songs were in English.
Went out for supper with the owner and principal, committed educators and great people.
My hotel was walking distance from the school, just a 7 minute walk, no hills. Every day, saw the same dogs, roosters, flowers and watched the papayas ripening on the tree in a yard. The bottom one was ready to be picked when I left. I felt like reaching over and grabbing it.
The hotel food was a feast everyday, breakfast had an awesome array of pastries, bread, sweets, meat, cheese, fruit and eggs. Lunch at school was also excellent and then another party spread at the hotel for supper. Had to be careful or I’d need two seats on the plane to get home.
I brought my moose, bear, eagle and wolf puppets and used them a lot to talk to the children. I also took about 15 Robert Munch books and the kids were spell-bound when I read them. Enjoying the part of school that I loved...without long term responsibilities.
Packed up Saturday morning and was picked up by Alexandra from Valinhos. Went to lunch on Saturday with her and then I went walking. I found my way to school, .75 km as the crow flies. It’s down one steep hill, cross a bridge and then up another steep hill. A very nice small city, most of the sidewalks are paved with flagstones and a lot of the side streets with cobblestones. The roads are like roller coasters, up and down the hills, one after another. A great place for walking and I’ve put on a lot of kms despite the fact I kicked my closet door by mistake about 2 weeks ago and can still only wear Birkenstock sandals.
Today Sunday, I had breakfast in the hotel, pretty much the same as the other hotels and Thias called me and I went with her to her riding lesson. I wandered allover the place for an hour. Amazing place, makes me want to get a tiller out and start planting.  Beautiful horses, lush vegetation, flowers every where, Guinea hens and chickens all over and all kinds of birds. Saw two big parrots and lots of eagles soaring in the sky. The trees are loaded with every colour of flower. I do believe this must be the garden of Eden. I even saw a pomegranate tree in someone’s yard on the way to school.
Had lunch Sunday afternoon with Thias and Alexandra from Maple Bear.

Made from tires

On my walk today

Flowers by the Maple Bear Jundiai sign

Sidewalks in Valinhos

Maple Bear Valinhos

At horse park

With Brutus, owner says he is a bleached blonde they use for wedding pictures.

Guinea Fowl down the road. I want some.

Road on way to horse park

Walked down here

Beautiful horses.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Sunday Sept 21

View from the mall

View from mall

Shopping Mall

Walking trail



These are beautiful but the stalk is full of thorns.
Saturday I took a taxi to the big mall downtown. The lady at the front desk called me a taxi and it was a good ride. As for shopping malls I think they are pretty much the same all over, people, stores, people and more stores and more people.
I had asked the taxi driver to come back and pick me up at 6:00 but by 6:15 and he didn't show I started wondering how I was going to call a taxi English. I soon spied 3 security guards, one spoke very good English and he took me to where all the taxis were waiting. Had another good ride back. Today, Sunday (the first day of spring)  after breakfast,  I worked in my room and by afternoon I had to get out for a walk. Found a walking trail and the pictures are of flowers I saw on my walk.

Saturday 20 September 2014


Noticing a few old VWs ,A teachers has one also

Yellow PubMarine

Live Band


School Flowers

School Flowers

Bananas at school

School Treehouse

Flowering wall

School yard

Morning glory on way to school

School tree house

Bourgenvilla on way home

Bourgenvilla flowers

Not sure what it is... but a bush with purple and white flowers that smell so good.

I’ve been in Jundiai for a week and time just flew. Great school, wonderful staff who make me feel very much at ease. Great kids, makes me realize that I do miss the children a lot, but still don’t miss all the planning and evaluating. The school is quite large and spacious, (since it isn’t in the middle of a city) and had about 250 students. The classrooms are spacious and well equipped. School begins at 7:00 AM and dismissed at 12:30 and the second shift begins at 12:40 PM ending at 6:10 PM. Only a few teachers or aides teach all day (2 shifts). However the administrators and coordinators are there most of the day and sometimes even later than dismissal time. The school has classes from Toddler to Year 5. Again as in all Maple Bear schools the teachers just LOVE the students…a very loving culture.
Snacks are served to all students and an excellent lunch is served to teachers and a few all day students. All Maple Bear schools are all super clean and very well organized, no clutter and a place for everything. The JK students must have the most wonderful classroom…they are attached to a …TREE HOUSE! The school was originally a house and there is a tree house in the mango tree and its connected to the classroom by a walkway/bridge.  There are flowers and vines growing all over the walls with amazing flowers hanging down. Lots of trees, flowers, mangoes, bananas and screaming birds. I walk to school every day, it’s a 7 minute walk through a quiet neighborhood. I pass by a yard with a papaya tree, I’m know I could reach over and grab one.
There are a few restaurants and small grocery stores on my walk to school. Every morning I look forward to the usual Brazil breakfast. They have scrambled eggs, a type of bacon, about 20 kinds of rolls and pastries, lots of fresh fruit, mango, melon, pineapple, strawberries, papaya, meat, cheese and strong, strong coffee. The evening buffet is also amazing with about 8 chafing dishes with rice, 3-4 meat choices, casseroles, and vegetables. There is also a huge amount of cold salads of every description, a lot more pastries and dessert.
Last night I went out with a staff member to celebrate her friend’s birthday. Got to see the real Brazil. We went to the Yellow PubMarine. We all had to show ID regardless of our age and were given a card with a number. Any food or drinks purchased were charged to your number and you pay on the way out. It was a very nice place with very well behaved patrons. There were about 15 ladies in our party and they were proof again Brazilian ladies are very beautiful. A live band played and played most songs in English. I always wondered… did bands translate or just play in the original language.

Monday 15 September 2014

Sao Paulo Street Music

Some Sao Paulo street music

Sunday Sept 14, 2014

Saturday was moving day. I packed and my ride came from Jundiai. It was about a 45-minute drive with good traffic conditions. Nice scenery on the way, lush countryside and quite hilly terrain. Jundiai is a small city and my hotel is on the outskirts within easy walking distance of he school. Saturday evening I met with the school representative and we went out for supper at a very authentic Italian restaurant. People of Italian ancestry settled this area. Sunday morning I woke to the sound of roosters crowing, reminded me of Puerto Rico. Breakfast in the restaurant downstairs by the pool. Not disappointed…it was the usual Brazilian breakfast, with everything you could want for breakfast and lots more.
Temperature going up to 30C today and spring doesn’t start until Sept 21.
Worked on getting my cold better by Monday, inhaling tea tree oil and oil of oregano in hot water and taking the Brazilian natural medicine we picked up at the drugstore last night. Sat by the pool soaking in the sun with parrots screaming in the trees. I took a few walks up the road to see the school and get fruit and water. Then this evening solved my laundry problem. Sink holds a few cups of water and no tub and its $5 per pair of pants at the hotel laundry, $2 for a pair of socks $7.50 for pajamas. So I used the garbage can and water from the shower with the bar of sunlight soap I brought. It was that or new clothes.
FYI divide by 2 fro $

FYI divide by 2 for $

Bougainvillea so beautiful

By the side if the road


These smell so wonderful

Maple Bear from the outside

When sidewalk walking keep your head down

Looking out my window

More Bougainvillea

More flowers
parrots screaming in the trees. and took a few walks up the road to see the school and get fruit and water. Then this evening solved my laundry problem. Sink holds a few cups of water and no tub and its $5 per pair of pants at the hotel laundry, $2 for a pair of socks $7.50 for pajamas. So I used the garbage can and water from the shower with the bar of sunlight soap I brought. It was that or new clothes.