Tuesday 1 March 2011

 Bus terminal
 Hills on the way to Rio

 Cattle country

The breakers were even bigger this morning when I left. Caught the 7:40 bus to Rio from Macae, nice 2 1/2 hour ride, got to see the country side.  On arriving in Rio I was able to get a taxi to the airport and arrive there with time to spare. Good thing I was told to keep checking on what gate for my departure, I was sitting at gate 3 when what do you know it changes to gate 2.  Arrived in Sao Paolo  in heavy rain, I am on a  hill and the water is gushing down. Unpacked and just realized how damp It was in Macae. My clothing all felt as if I had just taken it out of the washer, so wet. Very nice place, a hotel this time, 8th floor of the Landmark Hotel in the Jardin district. No cooking utensils here, guess I’ll have to eat out, the hotel has a nice restaurant.  This area is said to be quite safe, that is nice. Tomorrow morning I walk about 3 blocks to work. Internet here is pretty slow, hope they can remedy it.