Monday 14 March 2011

March 13, 2011
Left Sao Paulo at 8:30 PM. Eventful flight, first there was a dog running through the huge airplane them there was a medical emergency. A young healthy looking fellow in his late 20s early 30s was in distress, he had a collapsed lung. They called for doctors onboard and decided we would divert to San Jaun, Peurto Rico tosend him to hospital. That took up about 2 hours and we finally arrived in Toronto at 8:00 AM. The whole huge plane (777 or 747)  had to go through customs and be rebooked since we all missed our conneccting flights, huge line up, and I was lucky to in the front section of it. Finally arrived in Ottawa at 11:00 AM . Visiting with Leona, Nathan and Owen. He cretainly is growing and what a handsome fellow.