Thursday 12 June 2008

Water Games

Sitting here with my hair soaked, I was working and forgot to put the AC on, when you start dripping then you realize how hot it is. Time is flying by and the end of year activities are starting. Today we had a games day in the afternoon. The high school kids planned it for the elementary. They were outside games with one twist. They all involved water. As the kids played the games they were continually being sprayed with hoses or sprinklers. They were all totally soaked by the time it as over as well as a lot of teachers. Only in Egypt could you do that without worrying about the children being wet and cold. It was about 36C today so we dried off very quickly. The mango tree, one house down is growing big fat mangos (Nora) although they are still green, hey look very good. On Tuesday after school I am going to the fabric market to look for some silk or other exotic fabrics. Tomorrow afternoon I hope to take the Metro (subway) Downtown to have a last look around. The roads are very uneven and bumpy, and walking after dark is hazardous not because of thugs (there are literally policemen on every corner in my neighborhood) but because of the holes and bumps in the road. I am learning how to roll with a fall. Last night I added a few more bruises and to my road rash look after I unexpectedly hit a speed bump.