Friday 13 June 2008

A Walk Downtown on Friday the 13th

This morning I went to pick up a new suit case and walk around in the downtown shopping district. On the way to the subway I noticed so many mango trees, just like apple trees at home, full of mangos. I also saw a fig tree which has the fruit very close to the trunk of the tree. I took the subway to the square opposite the Egyptian Museum. The subway is always very crowded and there are, just like in NYC, hawkers trying to sell their wares to a captive audience. Today there was a lady with assorted trinkets, a man with air freshener (very bad smelling) and a fellow with sesame seed sticks all in the same car at the same time. The subway brings you right to the heart of a very busy intersection. I can never get the courage to walk through traffic like the Egyptians. They just stroll calmly through the 3 or 4 lanes of heavy traffic. It is amazing more aren’t killed in the street. Walking down the street was getting very crowded as I went down Talat Harb Street, for the sellers were opening up their bags and spreading their wares over the side walk. Suddenly they all expertly grabbed the four corners of the square of cloth they had their wares spread on, or others lifted up the large tray their wares were displayed on to their heads and they all (20 or more) went running or dragging their wares down the street. Behind them ran a policeman, (but I could see he was enjoying it for he was trying not to laugh). They all melted into alleyways and down other streets. After the policeman left I could see them peeking out and reestablishing themselves in a safer area. It is amazing how many friendly people approach you and strike up a conversation asking where you are from and praising Canada. Then….they start trying to steer you off to the store they are working for to sell you fake papyrus, poor quality gold or ‘essence’. Scammers everywhere!! I found some shops selling fabric and saw some beautiful silk for about $20 a meter or less. The Egyptian cotton was very nice as well and I bought a piece. (I guess all they sell here IS Egyptian cotton.) Tuesday I am going to a big fabric market called Boulac.