Friday 13 June 2008


This information could make a big difference in your life! In 2003 I was curious about my blood iron/Ferritin levels and asked for them to be tested (It is important to stress it is NOT the hemoglobin test but the Ferritin level). Turned out I had very high levels and further genetic testing revealed I had the genetic condition Hemochromatosis (iron overload). Symptoms do not appear till damage has occurred, so it is important to be checked before you show signs. This condition has a higher rate among people of Celtic/European descent. Since I have this condition, it is a fact, Hemochromatosis is scattered throughout my family tree, the French one and the Scottish. (among those names in ‘Fair is the Place’ our family genealogy) Both my mother and father were each carrying at least one gene for me to be positive. My own children all have at least one gene for Hemochromatosis which makes them all carriers. Quoting The Canadian Hemochromatosis Society
“Hereditary Hemochromatosis (HHC) is the most common genetic disorder affecting Canadians. It is a crippling, potentially fatal condition caused by a defect of iron metabolism that leads to iron overload in vital organs, joints and tissues. The complications caused by the disorder are preventable if a diagnosis is made before the excess iron causes irreversible damage, and effective treatment exists.”
By the way I discovered it early, no damage, just regularly give blood. One of my first tasks when I get home will be to make appointments to give about 3-5 pints of blood (one a week) as soon as possible. I was not comfortable giving blood in Egypt, so I am overdue. Their website: So.... get your Ferritin tested!!