Wednesday 18 June 2008

Irlen Lens

Time for an information break!! I have been involved with promoting Irlen lens/filters for students since about 1 ½ years. I discovered it accident, because I had many capable, intelligent students in my class who were not achieving their potential, especially where reading and paper work was involved. Because of them I searched the net and found the Irlen method of helping readers using colored lens. These students who obtained the Irlen lens have on the whole experienced a surge in their learning process ranging from moderate to astonishing. We have to keep in mind the Irlen lens/filters are a “piece of the puzzle in solving learning problems. For some it is the only puzzle piece which is missing, for others it is one of the pieces but there are other factors which play a part.So if you are a capable person, unable to reach your potential, have problems with the words on the page moving, going into 3D, they may have shadows or just disappear, read on. Studying is a nightmare for you, for no matter how hard you study you can't retain the information, you are sun sensitive, dislike reading because of the work your eyes have to do, maybe have headaches and feel restless when you have to sit still, check out this web page and do the self test questionnaire and read all about this Syndrome. ------------- am very excited for now a group of parents in Egypt are going to have their children, who I have screened, tested for the Syndrome. PS: I am not involved in selling them!