Saturday 1 March 2008

Feb 29, 2008

March1, 2008 Friday morning I caught a cab and went down to a morning market with one of our teachers who is married to an Egyptian. I have been to markets but this one is not like the ones in Maadi where a lot of Expats live. This market is local. The streets are very crowded and dirty and the vendors are set up selling everywhere. The butchers shops have the half cows just out hanging in the open air. There are ducks, chickens, pigeons, goats, horses, donkeys and rabbits. They sell all types of vegetables, fruit, spices, dried beans, fish (which causes quite a stir, they crowd around the fish stalls), dishes, some clothing, carpets. There is bread for sale every where and fried falafel. There is garbage everywhere and cats and some dogs. But in all that I couldn’t see a single sock for sale. Only 4 socks left and I’m wishing for Walmart. SaturdayMarch 1 Waited all morning for the man to come with my new washer. No show, but it follows the pattern, either he is very late or doesn’t show up at all. I’m tired of washing by hand, got to pack up my carry on and take it to the laundry down the road again! Took a long walk down Road 9 to see all the shops and look for socks. Bought a bunch of flowers for 5 LE (less than a dollar), bought some nails to hang my mop and broom, now I have to find a big rock to use as a hammer. Walked the length up and down, but still no socks, not one pair! See for market pictures